Mahadhanvantaram Gulika (Garbharakshini)




Product Description

Dosage: As directed by the physician
Usage: Tablets may be swallowed as per the dose prescribed. Pills for internal use may be mixed with lukewarm water or any other prescribed drava dravya or as directed by the Physician.



S.No Sanskrit Name Botanical Name Qty/Tab
1 Ela Elettaria cardamomum 0.004 g
2 Viswa Zingiber officianale 0.004 g
3 Abhaya Terminalia chebula 0.004 g
4 Ajaji Lepidium sativum 0.004 g
5 Brihati Solanum virginianum 0.004 g
6 Anarya Swertia chirata 0.004 g
7 Jirakam Cuminum cyminum 0.004 g
8 Jinoshanam Piper cubeba 0.004 g
9 Brihati Solanum anguivi 0.004 g
10 Rudraksham Elaeocarpus serratus 0.004 g
11 Suradaru Cedrus deodara 0.004 g
12 Karpura Cinnamomum camphora 0.004 g
13 Karigutha Excreta of new born elephant 0.004 g
14 Kankolam Piper cubeba 0.004 g
15 Rasa Commiphora myrrha 0.001 g
16 Jati Myristica fragrans 0.001 ml
17 Himambu Rosa centifolia q. s.
18 Jirakam Cuminum cyminum q. s.


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Mahadhanvantaram Gulika (Garbharakshini)
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