Aragvadhadi Kwatham (Tablet)




Product Description

Dosage: As directed by the physician
Usage: Tablets may be swallowed as per the dose prescribed

S.No Sanskrit Name Botanical Name Qty/Tab
1 Aragvadha Cassia fistula 0.975 g
2 Indrayava Holarrhena pubescens 0.975 g
3 Patali Stereospermum colais 0.975 g
4 Kakatikta Trichosanthes tricuspidata 0.975 g
5 Nimba Azadirachta indica 0.975 g
6 Amrita Tinospora cordifolia 0.975 g
7 Madhurasa Moringa oleifera 0.975 g
8 Sruvavriksha Butea monosperma 0.975 g
9 Patha Cyclea peltata 0.975 g
10 Bhunimba Swertia chirayita 0.975 g
11 Sairyaka Barleria strigosa 0.975 g
12 Patola Trichosanthes cucumerina 0.975 g
13 Karanja Pongamia pinnata 0.975 g
14 Putika Holoptelea integrifolia 0.975 g
15 Saptacchada Alstonia scolaris 0.975 g
16 Agni Plumbago zeylanica 0.975 g
17 Sushaviphala Calycopteris floribunda 0.975 g
18 Bana Tephrosia purpurea 0.975 g
19 Ghonta Bridelia retusa 0.975 g
20 Excipients q.s


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Aragvadhadi Kwatham (Tablet)
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